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Version Q2 2011 released 07/12/2011

Grid / Declarative Binding

Declarative client-side data-binding basics

IDNameUnit priceDateDiscontinued
Page size:
 11 items in 2 pages

Get data and total items count in a single request

IDNameUnit priceDateDiscontinued
Page size:
 11 items in 2 pages

  • This example demonstrates how to use declarative client-side data-binding.

    RadGrid declarative client-side data-binding is very similar to ObjectDataSource data-binding. You need to specify SelectMethod and SelectCountMethod (if needed) along with Location property and the grid will automatically invoke the specified method as PageMethod or WebService method:
        <DataBinding Location="~/Grid/Examples/Client/DeclarativeDataBinding/WebService.asmx"
            SelectMethod="GetData" SelectCountMethod="GetCount" />
    Important: These methods should be marked with WebMethod attribute! Example:
        public List<MyBusinessObject> GetData(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, List<GridSortExpression> sortExpression, List<GridFilterExpression> filterExpression)
    In the ClientSettings.DataBinding section you can also specify the following properties:
    • StartRowIndexParameterName - default is "startRowIndex"
    • MaximumRowsIndexParameterName - default is "maximumRows"
    • SortParameterName - default is "sortExpression"
    • FilterParameterName - default is "filterExpression"
    Important: By default RadGrid will expect SelectMethod with four arguments with the following names and types:
    • int startRowIndex
    • int maximumRows
    • List<GridSortExpression> sortExpression
    • List<GridFilterExpression> filterExpression
    and SelectCountMethod with no arguments!

    To change values on the fly of any of the grid declarative client-side data-binding properties you can use the OnDataBinding client-side event:
    <ClientEvents OnDataBinding="RadGrid1_DataBinding" />
    Please refer to the JavaScript code in this demo for more info.

    To optimize even more the grid client-side data binding you can get both data and total items count in a single request. Example:
        [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
        public Dictionary<string, object> GetDataAndCount(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, List<GridSortExpression> sortExpression, List<GridFilterExpression> filterExpression)
            Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            data.Add("Data", GetData(startRowIndex, maximumRows, sortExpression, filterExpression));
            data.Add("Count", (int)Session["Count"]);
            return data;
    The grid will check automatically for "data" and "count" and will not execute a second request!

Source Code

Show code in new window Demo isolation steps
  • <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Telerik.GridExamplesVBNET.Client.DeclarativeDataBinding.DefaultVB"
        CodeFile="DefaultVB.aspx.vb" %>

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.QuickStart" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" TagName="Header" Src="~/Common/Header.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" TagName="HeadTag" Src="~/Common/HeadTag.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" TagName="Footer" Src="~/Common/Footer.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <telerik:HeadTag runat="server" ID="Headtag1"></telerik:HeadTag>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function RadGrid1_DataBinding(sender, args)
               // This event will be raise twice by default!
               // The first call will retrieve data and the second call will retrieve total items count.
               // If you want to cancel the event you can use:
               // args.set_cancel(true);
               // get data source location, method name and arguments
               var dataSourceLocation = args.get_location();
               var selectMethodName = args.get_methodName();
               var methodArguments = args.get_methodArguments();
               // set data source location and method name
               // args.set_location("url to your data source");
               // args.set_methodName("your method name");
               // The grid will always pass by default four arguments for the SelectMethod.
               // SelectCountMethod will be called with no arguments by default!
               // get names for select parameters
               var startRowIndexParameterName = sender.ClientSettings.DataBinding.StartRowIndexParameterName;
               // default is "startRowIndex".
               var maximumRowsParameterName = sender.ClientSettings.DataBinding.MaximumRowsParameterName;
               // default is "maximumRows"
               var sortParameterName = sender.ClientSettings.DataBinding.SortParameterName;
               // default is "sortExpression"
               var filterParameterName = sender.ClientSettings.DataBinding.FilterParameterName;
               // default is "filterExpression"
               // construct your own arguments
               // var myMethodArguments = new Object();
               // myMethodArguments.myArgumentName = "myArgumentValue";
               // args.set_methodArguments(myMethodArguments);
    <body class="BODY">
        <form runat="server" id="mainForm" method="post">
            <telerik:Header runat="server" ID="Header1" NavigationLanguage="VB"></telerik:Header>
            <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" EnablePageMethods="true" runat="server" />
            <!-- content start -->
            <h3 class="qsfSubtitle">Declarative client-side data-binding basics</h3>
            <telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" AllowSorting="true" AllowPaging="true" AllowFilteringByColumn="true"
                AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server">
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" DataType="System.Int32" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" />
                        <telerik:GridNumericColumn DataField="UnitPrice" HeaderText="Unit price" DataType="System.Decimal" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Date" DataFormatString="{0:d}" HeaderText="Date"
                            DataType="System.DateTime" />
                        <telerik:GridCheckBoxColumn DataField="Discontinued" HeaderText="Discontinued" DataType="System.Boolean" />
                <PagerStyle AlwaysVisible="true" />
                    <DataBinding Location="~/Grid/Examples/Client/DeclarativeDataBinding/WebService.asmx"
                        SelectMethod="GetData" SelectCountMethod="GetCount" />
                    <ClientEvents OnDataBinding="RadGrid1_DataBinding" />
            <h3 class="qsfSubtitle">Get data and total items count in a single request</h3>
            <telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid2" AllowSorting="true" AllowPaging="true" AllowFilteringByColumn="true"
                AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server">
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" DataType="System.Int32" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" />
                        <telerik:GridNumericColumn DataField="UnitPrice" HeaderText="Unit price" DataType="System.Decimal" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Date" DataFormatString="{0:d}" HeaderText="Date"
                            DataType="System.DateTime" />
                        <telerik:GridCheckBoxColumn DataField="Discontinued" HeaderText="Discontinued" DataType="System.Boolean" />
                <PagerStyle AlwaysVisible="true" />
                    <DataBinding Location="~/Grid/Examples/Client/DeclarativeDataBinding/WebService.asmx"
                        SelectMethod="GetDataAndCount" />
            <!-- content end -->
            <telerik:Footer runat="server" ID="Footer1"></telerik:Footer>

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